This program is targeted towards teenage girls by reaching them while they are still young. We can help
them stay healthy and safe in the short term while reducing the number of women in crisis in the future.
Helping them to prepare a path will help them realize their dreams.

Live Your Dream

This program is targeted towards women who have faced incredible challenges including poverty,
domestic and sexual violence, and addiction. Live Your Dream is a movement fiercely dedicated to
ensuring these women have the opportunity to reach their full potential and provided the resources to
achieve their dreams.


Women are economically empowered when they have control over their own finances and well-being,
and when they have a voice in the &nancial decisions to shape their lives and the lives of their families.
When women and girls are empowered, they have a sense of autonomy, self-con&dence, and the power
to control their private and public lives. We focus on access their education because we believe it’s the
most effective way towards empowerment.


Soroptimist International of Sparks Nevada
1344 Disc Dr. #222
Sparks, NV 85436